"Tolman and other firefighters interviewed Wednesday declined to comment on the reasons for Graydon and Patrick leaving. For them, the prime issue is the sufficiency of fire services in South Weber."
The reporter used firefighters instead of saying firemen. I looked at a plethora of newspapers and they did very well at using neutral words rather than words that refer to males or females.
Finding an article that contains an ageism or heterosexism
comment has been difficult for me. I did
find a article from KSL that provides an example of racism. See if you can
figure out if the race needs to be said here.
The sister of a black man shot and killed by a
Tulsa police officer when he reached into an SUV stalled in the street said on
Saturday that she does not believe her brother was armed.
The reporter could have just told us a name
from the beginning, or said it was a woman from Tulsa.
Those are some nice examples you found.