I have never been to a grammar website prior to enrolling in
this course, however, lately I have been visiting many sites to see what is
helpful, what tips I can receive, and what is accurate. I have found that http://www.grammarbook.com/ is an
amazing website to help. I haven’t subscribed to any quizzes yet, but the
information it gives you, different links, the different services, blogs, and
rules are helpful not only in everyday writing; but for school as well. I see
errors all of the time throughout social media, however, most errors I see are
on pinterest, Facebook, but most recently I found a post on Buzzfeed, listing
the “15 Common Grammatical Errors That Drive You Completely
Insane.” https://www.buzzfeed.com/adamdavis/common-grammatical-errors-that-drive-you-completely-insan?utm_term=.if7rMQRoX#.ljL3VWZQ4
I love finding posts and
lists like this and seeing errors, because you would think that either you
would check the spelling or grammar before you publish it, send it out, or
whatever you may be doing with it.
Oh my gosh that Buzzfeed article was hilarious! All of them are so true. Unfortunately I am guilty of a few of those sometimes.