Saturday, September 17, 2016

Week Three. Seriously, check out the picture.

I believe that the 11th secret to writing well is to think outside the box. You should look for a new angle and a fresh perspective. No one wants to hear the same thing they have heard 50 times already. Old is boring. Think of new, creative ideas that people will want to listen to. If you are writing about a news story, think about what aspects of this story haven’t been covered yet. Is there any NEW info to find? How could you think outside the box and come at it with a creative and personal twist? I learned in Drew Tyler’s class that in the media world, the opposite of good is off. If you don’t present something that makes people think, they will shift their attention to something that does.
The three editing mistakes I found this week:
  1.  In my computer science class we had to watch a YouTube lecture. The narrator was describing an abacus and said “These beads can be SLIDED down the pole.” Instead of the correct form, SLID. 
  2.  On Facebook one of my friends posted a picture of someone yawning in class and wrote “Tanner must be BOARD.” Instead of bored. That is a pretty common error.  
  3. I went to the state fair this week and I bought this giant fruit bowl. The bowl’s label is just waaaaaaaaay to much. Check this out. This is beyond hope. It’s painful. I'm hoping it was in a foreign language and someone used Google Translate, because that is horrible.


  1. You are so right! That label is awful. Good catch on the video, though. So often we miss mistakes that aren't written down.

  2. Thank you for your thoughts. Wow, I hope the food at the fair was better then this label! I also really like your tip to think outside of the box.

  3. I have a hard time even understanding what that fruit bowl label is trying to say! I bet it's a foreigner trying their best to write in English (even if it is with Google Translate like you mentioned in your post). I work with customers every day whose second language is English and it's hard to understand them - but at least they're trying! I can't imagine living in a country where I don't speak the language well. Imagine how hard this class would be for a foreigner!


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