Sunday, September 18, 2016


One punctuation error I do all the time is the (...).  I actually love this piece of punctuation and use it in almost all my communications.  However, this week I learned that I use it incorrectly.  I put more that three dots after my thoughts and I use it whenever I want people to assume that the rest of the sentence would contain a long continuance of what I already stated.  I also didn't know that it required punctuation at the end.  I thought that the ellipsis (which I didn't know it was called) was the ending punctuation because it was letting the reader know that there was more.

Example:  I want to remind you that I hope to see each and everyone of you tomorrow and with your bright smiling faces ready to begin...... ( This would be how I typed a text out to a group of people.)

Now I know that I only use three dots and the fact that I use them there is probably not the best use of that punctuation.  I really think I use them to avoid rambling and I really like the way they look. I like my emails and text to look appealing.  Yeah, I know it's weird!

The other punctuation tip I learned this week is there are times when the ending punctuation goes on the outside of the quotes.  Until this week, I thought that was never the case.  I learned that when you quote a title than you put the punctuation on the outside of the quotes.  I am struggling with this new idea because to me it doesn't ever look right.  I am hoping I understand it correctly by saying the only time you do that is for attribution purposes, so it means that it doesn't happen that often.

Example:  Is that the Pharrell song, "Happy"?

1 comment:

  1. This was an interesting read because I used to make this mistake in the past as well. I wasn't dropping 6 plus dots like you, but I always thought it was supposed to be 4. Thanks for sharing!


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