Friday, September 23, 2016

Hello Everyone.

This week’s assignments have been a nice refresher course to some degree.  Words I struggled with some time ago have been reintroduced to me as a reminder of what not to use, and when to use certain words for maximum effect. The use of a lot as two words was a difficult habit to break when I was younger, and the difference between affect and effect is a perfect example of situational use of the right word.  Mrs. Manning, my high school English teacher would be so proud!

This week I learned some things that I feel will help me edit other works as well as my own writing.  In particular, the active voice / passive voice comparisons were very helpful. Connecting them with the respective verb makes it so much easier to recognize and differentiate between them. 

I found the exercises regarding verbs to be very difficult and challenging.  I never knew there were so many different tenses for any given verb; it’s almost like learning a new language.  I always thought I was pretty good and forming sentences and choosing the right verb-subject agreement but these assignments really made me think about what one could be conveying to the reader. 

My editing mistake this week was in an email from a scout leader reminding all parents of a meeting being held soon. She wrote “It's important that all is there at this meeting.” What she should have written is “it’s important that all are at this meeting.”


  1. I totally agree that the verbs exercise felt like learning a new language! I took German in high school and that came easier to me than learning these different types of verbs. I think that assignment has been the hardest part of the class so far.

  2. I agree with both of you on the verbs assignment. It was harder done than said. I told my wife about the assignment and she said it sounded pretty easy to just look them up. It took time, however, to describe each verb, especially the ones that have subtle differences.


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