Sunday, September 11, 2016

Punctuation week

The punctuation quiz was very helpful for me. I only missed two questions on the punctuation quiz. While taking this quiz I had to refresh my understanding about proper punctuation. I had to look things up and double check many of my answers. The quiz turned out to be a humbling experience for me. I was overconfident in the two questions that I missed. The first question I missed was number 16. The answer I selected was the one with a comma after the first two colors. I should have picked the sentence with only one comma after the first color. There was no need for a second comma in the sentence because the word “and” was in place before the last color. The other question I missed was number 33. One of the rules to using commas explains that when information is not necessary, it can be separated by a comma before and after the phrase of information. I picked the sentence that had two commas around “of Utah” when I should have left the commas out. It was important to know what state Jake Garn was senator of. One rule that I did not know of pertained to using quotations. When quoting more than one sentence, the attribution should be placed at the end of the first sentence.

One of the mistakes that I saw this week was a spelling error by my friend on Facebook. My friend posted a few pictures of some friends and said, “Hanging out with theses guys.”  Although the mistake was an additional “s” on the end of “these,” we should be careful to spell words right before posting to the world.


  1. Ryan, I wish I had been as careful as you were on the test! I missed more than just two. Don't feel bad at all! Only missing two is really good

  2. I make mistakes like that all the time and for the same reason your Facebook friend must have - by rushing through the writing and not playing close attention. I feel like I know a lot of editing rules and it's easy to breeze through the quizzes, but it's not until after I get a few wrong that I realize I didn't read a question (or the answers) closely enough. Attention to detail is so necessary in this course!


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