Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Week 5

Blog 5
One of the sites I really love it knightcite.com. A professor recently introduced it to me. It is used to format all your citations into APA format. It is glorious!!! It just has blank fields labeled “publisher” and “date” and things like that, and you put in the information and it automatically generates the citation for you. My editing mistake happened at that very same time. My professor wrote it on the board to show it to us, he spelled KNITEcite instead of KNIGHTcite. Pretty embarrassing.

Another favorite is Grammar Girl’s quickanddirtytips.com. They have really helpful diagrams and illustrations to help you figure out and remember the rules. It also helps you clarify those nit-picky little things.

Also, if you haven’t followed the Grammarly page on Facebook, look me in the eyes and tell me why. That is a must. They post so many hilarious pictures and quick tips for remembering stuff! And it is where all the literate people hang out. Seriously if you are bored some days, go read through the comments on some of the images. The comments and the jokes are so witty and classy. There is not a lot of dirty jokes, racism, hate, profanity or bashing. It is very refreshing. It shows what an educated mind can do and I thoroughly enjoy people being truly clever without adding inappropriate humor. But heaven help you if you have a grammar mistake in a comment. :) And you can see gems like this:


  1. That is funny. I did not even realize that he had spelled it wrong in class. I have used Grammar Girl before and there are some tips on there that are super helpful.

  2. I'll have to visit that website. Thanks for sharing! It's always funny when professionals make editing mistakes.


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