Sunday, November 13, 2016

Watch your Headlines

This week was interesting for me. I enjoy thinking of great headlines that will catch the readers interest. I feel like a reporter must be creative in deciding what to say in the headline.  The headline can make or break it for others to continue reading the article or story. I found a good example of a headline on

Police Mull charges after neighbor kills dog with shears

I liked this heading because a lot of the stories in the news are about killings, or police.  What caught my attention was the powerful verb, "mull."  Had that word not been used I probably would have glanced at the heading and then disregarded it.

Here is another good example of a headline focuses on the message before the messenger.

Remains of missing daughter found, confirms Jon Schmidt of 'Piano Guys'

This headline does a great job at what the message is, and then attributing them to Jon Schmidt. Jon Schmidt is the messenger. 

Although there are many good headlines out there, you can still find them. Here is an example of a bad headline. 

"One-armed man applauds the kindness of strangers."  

When we write headlines, we need to be careful in choosing the right words to write. 

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