Saturday, November 5, 2016

This class is starting to feel a lot like my Media Writing class. I never liked doing leads or news writing because I knew that was not where my career was headed and I felt like it was pointless. Although I still am not headed that direction with my career I feel like editing these things and learning about writing leads and news stories it will help me with any career path I choose. One of the biggest things is that my AP style book has helped with is numbers and how to correctly write out dollar signs and numerical things in text. I have always felt like this has been a week point for me and I think that with any job I have these skills will help. 

An editing error that I found this week was in my own writing. I am currently writing a paper for another class and I have found that I have been incorrectly transitioning my paragraphs and need to write with better flow and smoother transitions. I think that using the connector words has helped a lot and showed me ways to improve my writing. Transitions are something I learned way back in my high school english classes and I think a lot of times I look passed them forgetting their importance. I think the best transitions are the invisible kind that help the paper flow without adding obvious transition words. 

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on the media writing class thought. Only good thing is the fact that I took that class means I don't have to teach myself this whole lesson, which is how I feel about all the others.


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