Monday, December 5, 2016

Website Design Jessica

This website is absolutely stunning. It is interactive, but also allows the user to navigate where they want in the beginning for easy accessibility. If you are going to the website for information, the page becomes an interactive story-teller. 

It begins with a video and a prompt telling the user to turn on their sound. Then each time you scroll it move you deeper into the “journey of the Joho bean.” You are shown where they source their coffee from by a narrative that takes you to Brazil, and shows you what it is like there. 

It also provides facts and figures to help the user understand their business model. The company emphasizes their “direct trade” method which buys coffee directly from farmers in Brazil, Ethiopia and Guatemala. This approach is very beneficial to getting that idea across because it takes you on a journey to see exactly where your coffee came from. 
I have seen so many aspects of web design we learned this week within the website. They use compelling images and videos as well as visual hierarchy and the Fibonacci sequence. Your eye is always drawn somewhere by the use of their photos, text and direction.

They have a separate site for purchasing coffee, and sadly the link is broken between the two, that is the biggest issue with this website. With a little updating it could be fixed.

I also have included an editing mistake this week which I found on a tea box. Sorry the quality is not optimal, but if you look at the first sentence it says, “You are holding one of the excellent herbal teas in the world.” This is not necessarily wrong, just oddly worded. They could write “most excellent” to make the wording less awkward.  

In the last paragraph they also use “Its” when the proper use is “it’s” as a contraction of it is. 

1 comment:

  1. You found some great websites! They all have great color and organization. They look easy to navigate through!


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