Sunday, December 11, 2016

Week 15

I edited an analysis of a business student at Weber State University. 

 One of the greatest suggestions from the reading was to edit and not rewrite the story. I wish this suggestion would have sunk in before now. My problem when editing, is that I read other papers with my personality in mind. I focus on how I would have said it. While editing this paper I tried not to let pride step in the way of editing. I had to realize that my way of saying things is not always best. As I learned in my book report, style and personality are essential to good writing. One cannot reach the full potential of a good writer until style and personality are portrayed. I would be doing Ammon and other writers a disservice, in the very act of serving them, if I would to rewrite the paper rather than edit it. When I first looked at Ammon’s paper, I entertained the thought that his format and set up was different than what I did for my paper. I eliminated the thought as I realized that personality is essential to good writing.

There are two sides to the coin of personality when it comes to coaching writers. The first was explained above. The other side is to not eliminate my own personality as the editor or coach. The chapter suggests that I should be myself as a coach. When put in a position to critique the work of others, I tend to abuse that authority. I want to find something wrong with the paper just so I can find something wrong with the paper. This paper I tried not to over claim or abuse the privilege of editing.

1 comment:

  1. I find myself having that problem as a writer. I don't want to come off to assertive but I also don't want to be of no help at all. It's a tough balance and I think it becomes a blending of personalities in the end that works.


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