Friday, December 9, 2016

Week 15

Yay!! The semester is almost over and Christmas break is right around the corner!  Good luck to everyone on their finals.  This weeks assignment was a little intimidating because it was the last assignment and at the end it says, "congratulations, you're an editor."  I definitely do not feel like an editor but I feel like I have improved from the beginning of the semester.  For this assignment I edited  my friends paper for one of her communication classes.  She is graduating this month and so I knew I had to get the editing right for her paper so that she didn't get any deductions.  Her paper was on what she learned this semester and what she was going to do when she graduated.  It was really interesting to read and it made me excited to graduate in the Summer.  It is a great accomplishment and I am so proud of her.  Editing her paper was a little scary but in the end she ended up with a good grade and was happy with the score she got on her paper.  If I would have done this at the beginning of the semester, I would have let her down and I know she would not have done great on that assignment.  I have learned a lot about editing and how to use appropriate grammar.  I know I still have a lot more work to do but I am a little more confident in my writing than I was.

The grammar error I found this week was on my friends paper.  She kept using than and then wrong.  She also had a lot of run on sentences and paragraphs that weren't very clear.

Another grammar error I found this week was on google.  I thought this one was funny so I thought I would share.


  1. I felt very similar to you during this week. I was excited for the end but was stressed about the whole "you're an editor" thing. I'm glad to hear you made it through.

  2. I love that grammar error! That is hilarious!


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