Thursday, December 1, 2016

My Sanity Depends on a Search Bar

 I am taking a computer science class this semester and we learned some rules about web design that I found to be really true. My favorite rule was that if your website has a search bar, it should search only the content of your website, not google everything relating to the keyword. Your users are on a device that they can google stuff from. I hate it when websites do that. Weber State’s website does that and it drives me nuts. 

I used Weber State's website as a good example for having the navigation tools in intuitive locations. I had to use it for something, because when I was trying to prepare the websites assignment, I realized how few I actually use. I use the same five websites for almost everything. I use the web for school, social media, work and church, and other than that I don’t spend a lot of time surfing the web.

The websites I use, and all these rules made me really think about how much thought goes in to planning a website design, and website design for mobile. One of my favorite sites is because it has everything I need, it is predictable, everything is where I need to find it all the time and their mobile site looks nice. 

The editing mistake I found this week was from one of my other professors. It happened like six different places as he was describing this paper we had to do. He kept saying “Write your rationale,” and writing the word rationale as ‘rational.’ 

1 comment:

  1. Love your title Brooke! I'd be so lost without that search bar myself. Plus, I love it when I only get search results for what I need on a site. No need for all the google mess. Thanks!


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