I work with autistic kids in their homes for my job doing
behavior therapy. One of the moms was telling me that her 4-year-old boy said
his favorite color was pink. The father then told the child “No, your favorite
color is blue. Say blue, not pink.” Not only are children vulnerable, but
autistic children especially. He probably thought he did something wrong by
having that favorite color. But the dad was so caught up in the fact that ‘pink
is for girls’ that he couldn’t stand the fact his child liked the color pink.
Harassment toward the LGBT community has always been bad. However, the
community isn’t as silenced as it’s history shows. This photo shows a movement
that Covergirl is taking. Their new Covergirl model is a boy, James Charles. I
started reading the comments under the pictures, and found comments saying he
is “gross” or “not a real boy” if he likes makeup. Who are we to judge?
Racism: I saw
this picture scrolling through my Facebook feed. When I read the caption, my
jaw dropped.

Not only is this somewhat of a racist comment, but mocking
of a religion, as well as a purely evil comment about someone’s looks.
My editing mistake for this week was a text message from my
Bishop. He heard about my grandfathers passing and sent a really kind message letting
me know he was thinking of me. In the text it said, “It is so hard to loose
your grandparents who have loved you your whole life.” He used the word “loose”
when “lose” should be its replacement.
Wow...that is so sad how people treat each other. That poster of Pres. Obama and Hillary Clinton is just disgusting. I can't believe people think this way.