I do not have a specific writing site I go to, I typically
google-search my question and browse through the many suggestions. However, Grammar
Girl is a typical site, which ranks near the top of my searchers. Other web
pages include dictionary.com, quizlet.com, thefreedictionary.com, and even Wikipedia.
Googling “grammar help,” produced a variety of places,
including a page with a top ten places to go for grammar help. The list
includes, Writing Forward, Grammar Book, Grammarly, Purdue Online Writing Lab,
Grammar Blog, Lousy Writer, Daily Grammar, Grammar Girl and Dr. Grammar.
If you’re interested in the list and descriptions of the
websites listed you can go here:
Looking for this week’s grammar errors, I went to Google to
see if I can locate anything. During my search I did come across this webpage
with 25 common grammar errors.
A meme I came across had on it, “Let’s eat grandpa. Let’s
eat, grandpa. Correct punctuation can save a person’s life.” Or, “We’re going
to learn to cut and paste kids! Commas matter.” 

640 × 342 - keyword-suggestions.com
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