Week 7 - Christie Fewkes
There is so much to learn from the AP Stylebook! Oh my goodness, where do I start? I think one of the most valuable tools I learned
about this week was that we spell numbers that are less than ten, and use numerals
for 11 or higher. I have always
questioned when to use the appropriate form.
Combining all of the different use of numbers confuses me on occasion. Things such as dimensions, height, weight, or
age are all numbers but can correctly be used in different contexts.
I also think homophones can be a challenge at times. Knowing
which words to use can be tricky if you are rushing through an article or
assignment. I always try to have someone
else proofread my writing in case I have used the wrong word accidentally. Although
it may be very obvious to a reader, once you have written something and read it
yourself over and over, it can slide right by you. This helps correct any spelling errors, too. A
simple spelling error can sometimes end up actually being an incorrect word.
This brings me to this week’s editing mistake. On a sign at a Popeye’s location, they have used
there instead of they’re.

I laughed out loud at the picture you chose for your grammar mistake. It is quite pathetic actually that a rule that is so simple, such as "there" and "they're" isn't followed.
ReplyDeleteChristie, I definitely agree with you. The AP Stylebook has a lot for each of us to learn. Unfortunately, as you have shown in your mistake of the week, not everyone follows the AP rules.
ReplyDeleteThese past few assignments have made me realize how many people are using bad habits in the English language. This picture is a little dramatic and I hope most people know to use "they're" instead of "there" in this sentence but I know that I have made so dumb mistakes in my past papers and assignments. This class is helping me change those bad habits.
ReplyDeleteThis picture was perfect for this week!