About me:
My name is Hanna Ence, I am a senior this year studying Interpersonal Communication, I really hate school to be honest and it took me a long time to determine what I wanted to major in, I still couldn't really tell you what led me to interpersonal communications but I actually have really enjoyed my classes. I transferred to Weber after getting my associates degree at Utah State and now am back to my roots and live in my hometown of good old Fruit Heights.
I played soccer my whole life and basically focused all of my extra time on that. I still play for fun in a few co-ed leagues and I will always love playing. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, but to tell you the truth I've never read the books so I’m not sure if I can still be considered a huge fan. I also love oldies music, any band or artist before the 1990's I promise you I can name. Some of my favorites are; The Eagles, Jackson Browne, The Police, Fleetwood Mac, Bryan Adams, Phil Collins, Chicago and more. Country music is also something I love from John Denver all the way up to Dierks Bentley. And I will name my first born girl Stevie after Stevie Nicks.
Unlike reading a lot of these blog entries I don’t really have a plan for a career. I really would like to work for Delta or an airline for a few years so I can get free flights anywhere! And then I really want to do a career that isn’t sitting in a desk all day that is really my only stipulation. I currently work as a waitress as I have for the past 5 years. Serving is not the best some days but I love being busy and basically having to perform well to make good money, it feels good to be in more control of my wage than just have it set. I also work for a Law Firm and see many interesting things there as I am the office manager and get handed some of the work that isn’t as exciting but also teaches me a lot.
I love Diet Coke, I sound like a typical girl, but it is my go to. I call it brown water. It is way better than regular Coke or regular soda. Yes, health fanatics, I know it is not the best choice of drink but it could be worse right? I also really like Mexican food and I put Cholula or whatever hot sauce is nearby on everything I eat. I love hot food and it shocks a lot of the Latino people I work with that I can handle their spicy food. So don’t underestimate me in that area. I also really like sushi and on Tuesday nights you can almost always find me at Osaka sushi for half off. I was running out of things to say till I got on the food subject now I could probably go on and on but I’ll stop there! As you can see from this I have a lot to go on my grammar, but I look forward to learning a lot!
I'm on the left and that is my little sis on the right!

I am also studying Interpersonal Communication. I totally understand the hate for school. I have switched my major three times and it's been a joke trying to figure out what I want to do. I finally agreed on Interpersonal Comm and that was because I really enjoyed the classes and the environment.